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What we do

The Role of the Governors

School governors are people who make a positive contribution to the school community by acting as "critical friends". They support and challenge the Headteacher to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance. They also play a monitoring role asking relevant questions such as "Is it working?", "How do we know it is working?", "As a School, how can we get better?" Governors need no formal qualifications but bring a range of experience to help our school to achieve its vision.

Although they are volunteers, they are professional, committed and passionate about what the school does.  Governors generally meet twice a term and visit the school regularly.


Our Current Priorities

The governors and staff of The Hills are committed to providing the very best quality education for children. Underpinning this is a commitment to continuous improvement through a cycle or target setting and review which is set out in a detailed and rigorous School Development Plan. This identifies our priorities for the year and drives our self-review and staff appraisal process. This is a live document that is constantly updated, and the priorities are set at the start of each academic year at our Governor Strategy Day.


Our wider Strategies this academic year include:

  • The Training of a Lead Professional in Mental Health & Wellbeing to ensure a whole school strategy that meets the emotional needs of the children
  • Strong Communication with parents & families whilst there is limited access to school
  • Review & improve how diversity is represented, reflected and celebrated in the school curriculum

The school will also provide targeted support for children as well as teaching development with a focus on:

  • Formative Assessment
  • Lesson planning approach
  • Implementing the Early Years Baseline Assessment
  • Speech & language needs
  • Implementation of new spelling scheme