Welcome from the Governors

The Governing Board would like to welcome everyone back following the summer break. We particularly welcome those that are new to the school: parents, children and staff.
The Governors have already kicked off the school year with the first meeting of the Resources Committee, who are responsible for Finance, Premises and Personnel. Several important property maintenance items were considered over the last academic year by the committee, prioritised and agreement reached on how they should be financed.
Hopefully you have all noticed the smart new building that’s within the front playground and nursery garden. This is part of an on-going project agreed by Governors on the Resources Committee.
Since 2005, all teachers have been entitled to PPA time: time away from their classroom for planning, preparation and assessment. Currently the teachers at The Hills have an area within the staff room which can be used for PPA, but as the time is taken during the normal teaching day, this area is too busy and not fit for purpose.
There is a room within the school which, until recently, has been used to store the site agent equipment, maintenance supplies and PTA storage. This will be converted into a dedicated PPA room. The first phase is nearly complete, with the equipment and supplies now being stored in the new building on the playground. Once a gas heater and freezer have been removed from the old room, work can begin on converting it into the much needed PPA room.
We hope to complete the work this term and we look forward to keeping you up to date with other Governor news throughout the year.
Nicci Henson – Chair of Governors