Year 4 have made a fantastic start to their new academic year and have settled well. They have been learning lots of amazing new things! This blog will explore what the children have learnt so far this year in Maths and English.
In maths, the children have been securing their understanding of place value, with a focus on 4-digit numbers, including roman numerals. The children did great when comparing, ordering and recognising the values of each digit. They then moved onto to securing their understanding of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplications and division. The children have had a go at answering some really challenging questions; we are super proud of the progress they have made!
Could you have a go at answering this question? 167 x 4 x __ = 668 x 3
We have been studying the novel: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. The children have loved this and have been really engaged in the text. We have wrote a character description, where we used lots of Year 4 grammar features such as expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials; an instruction text, where the children explained how to catch and care for a dragon; and most recently, the children wrote a diary entry based on chapter 10 of the novel: Thor’sday Thursday, where the children focused on the main events and used the technique of show, not tell, to express how the characters were feeling.
We have been blown away by some of the content the children have produced and look forward to see them continue to progress!