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Recently, we have had writing week at school. For this, we have been writing a piece of our choice in English lessons.


To begin with, we had to look at different styles of text and think about what sort of piece we might want to write. We had the choice of genre, it could be fiction or non-fiction.

Most people have been writing about a book that they have brought in from home. The most important thing was for us to enjoy the writing that we were doing so most people picked something they were very interested in.


After we wrote our piece, it was interesting for us to read other people’s pieces. Some of them were narratives, fact files, reports, diaries and some were non-chronological reports. In the fact files, some people wrote about animals and places so it was enjoyable to read and learn new information from their fact files. We all enjoyed writing week and it was good to read each other’s work at the end.

By Bogdan and Lara