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Just before half term we learned all about Chinese New Year. Two children bought in red paper lanterns and dragons to show us. Angelo told us, "We hang them up in our houses for Chinese New Year!" We all had a go a making the lanterns and dragons. 

Max bought in a red envelope and told us, "My Mummy gave it to me this morning. It had money in it for good luck! I had to give Mummy an orange back." Some of us chose to make and decorate a red envelope and added gold to it. We also wrote good luck wishes onto gold pennies to put into our envelopes. 


We liked listening to the story about Chinese New Year. We learned that 12 animals all wanted the year to be named after them, so the Emperor challenged them to race across the river. We found out the the winner was the cheeky rat and that 2019 is the year of the pig! Many of us retold the story using stick puppets. We really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year!

Have a look HERE for some photos of our work :)