The PTA have been busy hosting a number of events over the Spring term to help raise funds to improve the garden spaces and outdoor sports facilities within our school. Thank you to everyone who has participated in these events and we have now hit our short term goal of £1500 and started our journey to achieve our long term goal of raising £10,000 to aid the future of digital learning at our school.
- Family quiz night - the PTA organised their very first online quiz kindly hosted by the White Horse Pub. It was a fantastic evening and the atmosphere was brilliant as the competition heated up! Congratulation again the ‘Home Aloners’ who won a £30 voucher to the White Horse to help celebrate their victory!
- Pyjama and crazy hair day – to celebrate the last day of home schooling all students and teachers where allowed to stumble out of bed and wear their pyjamas for the day. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated and hopefully everyone enjoyed the novelty of wearing their pjs.
- Preloved uniform sale – we are endeavouring to hold a preloved uniform sale at the end of each half term. We have a huge selection of summer and winter uniforms as well as shoes and school accessories to choose from. If you would like to donate any outgrown uniforms which are still in great condition please pop them into the office.
- Easter raffle –the PTA embraced the new technology of online raffle tickets and hopefully everyone who wanted to buy raffle tickets were able to. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and hopefully the winners were delighted and surprised with their Easter Hampers and made the weekend a little sweeter!
Once again thank you for all your support and if you have any suggestions on fundraising or would like to join the PTA or Hills Angels group then please email thehillsacademyptfa@gmail.com or speak to a PTA member.