Welcome to nursery

A warm welcome to all the new and returning families in our nursery class. Thank you all for the warm welcome we received during the home visits. The information gathered has enabled us to settle the children fairly quickly and the children are gaining confidence in thier own ability to choose an activity. There is a poem below for you to enjoy and pictures from the children's first week can be seen here.
I did nothing today
Author unknown
When children come home at the end of the day,
The question they’re asked as they run out to play
Is ‘Tell me what you did today?’
And the answer they give makes you sigh with dismay.
‘Nothing, I did nothing today!’
Perhaps nothing means that I read a book
Or with a teacher I got to cook
Or maybe I painted a picture of blue
Or heard a story of a mouse that flew
Maybe I wrote all by myself
Or found a great book on the library shelf
Maybe I helped a friend today
Or went to my favourite area alone
Maybe today was the very first time
That my scissors followed a very straight line
Maybe I sang a song right to the end
Or worked with a special brand new friend
When you’re three, four or five, your heart has wings
And ‘nothing’ can mean so many things!