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Last week in year 4, 4TY had their outdoor learning morning.

The children had a great time doing a range of different activities and getting muddy in the outdoor learning garden. The class were split into two groups; the first group started off with Mrs. Griffin and made some brilliant bird feeders that they took home with them and the second group worked with Miss. Tyrrell where they carried out a range of orienteering activities. The children had to work together in small groups and communicate effectively with each other in order to successfully complete the different tasks.

We finished off the morning with some free play where the children thoroughly enjoyed playing on the tire swing, making a worm garden, making mud pies and digging up the mud to then fill it with water so they could jump in muddy puddles! It was wonderful to see so many happy faces and the children can’t wait for their next outdoor learning session just before Christmas!

Have a look at our photos HERE.